Tag Archives: Grand Canyon

Day 8 – Be in Awe #30dreamdays

5 Sep

How often do we really stand and admire the beauty of our surroundings?  Or savor the moments that are simple yet so special in the grand scheme of our own individual lives?  As for me, not as often as I would like.

As a mom of 3 children and owner of 3 businesses, I feel like I am always rushing.   I have so many amazing people in my life and good things happen all around me every day and I do not relish them enough.  I usually take a minute or two to thank God for those things and maybe I still remember to do the same tomorrow but there are moments that I wish I could capture forever.

"He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed." - Albert Einstein

“He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.” – Albert Einstein

My dream is to not just be in awe when I stand at the edge of a beautiful thunderstorm in the Grand Canyon, which is spectacular in my humble opinion.

I want to stand equally in awe when I watch my daughter Faith take steps of faith in herself.  They might not be noticeable to others but they are to me and I stand in awe of her daily and am so very grateful to have this front row seat.  I get to watch my son Aaron develop into a man before my very eyes and see as he challenges himself to break the mold of his past.   I continue to be a “follower” (now from afar) of my daughter Krista’s inspirational messages as she develops into the woman of God that she is destined to be.

These are amazing things.  These are gifts.   My dream is that I will no longer be too busy and miss out on these moments.

Be amazed.  Stay in wonder.  Marvel at everything.  There is a depth to this world that few people bother to acknowledge.   Pay attention.  Miracles are everywhere.